Journal ID : TRKU-09-04-2020-10665
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 04]
Total View : 177

Title : Work fatigue in the informal sector women workers in Magelang

Abstract :

Work fatigue is a phenomenon that is often experienced by workers. If left untreated, ongoing work fatigue can reduce worker productivity. Informal workers are the type of workers whose numbers dominate in Indonesia, one of which is workers in micro and small industries which involve many women. Women who work have a dual role, as workers, wives, and mothers of their children. If women workers experience continuous work fatigue, they are not able to play a role in other tasks. This study aims to identify the work fatigue of women workers in the informal sector as a basis for developing interventions to overcome work fatigue. This research is a descriptive study with a sample of 38 people who were taken purposively, a measuring tool to determine fatigue with the Fatigue Measurement Feeling Questionnaire (KAUPK2) and Nordic Body Map. The result shows that with KAUPK2, 11 respondents (28.9%) experienced fatigue, with the Nordic Body Map, 39% revealed pain in the right shoulder, 36.8% pain in the right hand, and 34.2% pain in the left hand. It suggests that the interventions need to be developed to overcome work fatigue so that work productivity is more optimal

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