Journal ID : TRKU-28-07-2020-10947
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 07]
Total View : 327

Title : The Impact of Environmental Concern, Warm Glow, and Financial Motivator Towards the Decision of Adopting Solar PV in Indonesia

Abstract :

The research objective is to determine the significant impact of the environment concern, warm glow, and financial benefits towards Indonesia Power’s consumer’s motivation in using solar PV. The data taken by questionnaire, with a sample size of 91 respondents, all consumers are solar PV users in East java. The analyses conducted by using SPSS with a single and multiple regression analysis method. The result indicates that the environmental concern, warm glow, and financial benefits all have significant impact towards the motivation in adopting solar PV in Indonesia. Thus, the results can help Indonesia Power to foster and promote renewable Energy specifically solar PV. This research can also help solar PV producers in how they can better promote their products. KEYWORDS: solar PV, motivation

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