Journal ID : TRKU-06-07-2020-10862
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 06]
Total View : 305

Title : Technologies Of Increasing Education Efficiency In Indonesia: A Comparative Analysis

Abstract :

This study aimed to describe the implementation of student-centered learning, to evaluate its effectiveness and to predict the possibility of success of it in a business school of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Islam Negeri (State Islamic University) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. A number of questioners were distributed to lecturers and students who experienced in using this method, followed by focused group discussions and in-depth interviews. Results showed that piloting three student-centered learning methods, i.e. learning by case method, project market research, and gamification at the faculty was welcomed by both students and lecturers as they have taken many advantages from it. They gained deeper and wider knowledge. They could improve their critical and creativity thinking, be more independent, responsible, confidence, courage and had better engagement and dedication to learning process, a set of skills required to be successful after graduation. However, challenges to make this new pedagogy method to be fun, easy to understand and deliver optimum result still remained. This paper contributed to improvement of human resources in the private sector especially in emerging countries by showing that applying right pedagogical method together with multi aspects improvement from lecturers, students, and physical infrastructures will enable business school graduates to fulfill the needs and challenges of current and future business world

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