Journal ID : TRKU-04-07-2020-10860
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 06]
Total View : 350

Title : Technologies Of Developing The Intangible Incentive Staff Program Of An Educational Organization

Abstract :

The aim of the study is to analyze the level of satisfaction of employees of educational organizations with the intangible incentive staff program, to study its significance for teachers in a pandemic, and to rank promising forms of intangible incentive. A key research method is a questionnaire survey of employees (N = 193). The questionnaire was posted on the online platform Google. The results of the study showed that only every fifth teacher is completely satisfied with the intangible incentive staff program. At the same time, the organizational loyalty of employees is at a fairly high level. The survey found that traditional forms of intangible incentives (honor roll, birthday greetings, challenge prize for the best structural unit) are losing their significance in modern socio-economic conditions. The high level of workload, ongoing organizational changes in educational organizations reduce for teachers the relevance of such measures of intangible incentives, such as inclusion in the administrative personnel reserve. Workplace stability is more significant for teachers than career prospects. The survey results showed that the top lines of the rating in assessing the intangible incentive staff program take such forms as increasing the term of the employment contract, participating in innovative projects, and becoming part of creative teams. The recognition of colleagues, joining small groups, creative teams is considered as one of the most effective measures of intangible incentives, increasing the level of competitiveness of a teacher in the labor market

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