Journal ID : TRKU-16-09-2020-11111
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 09]
Total View : 389

Title : Teaching Learners with Attention Deficit Disorder: A case of a Full-Service School, Lusikisiki Education District

Abstract :

This study investigated teachers’ perceptions of teaching learners with attention deficit disorder (ADD) in one of the full-service schools in the Lusikisiki Education District. With policies such as Inclusive Education and papers on inclusivity as well as Education for All (EFL) and universal primary education (UPE), all children throughout the world should be allowed access to quality education. In a country such as South Africa where an Inclusive Education policy has been implemented, the reality is that many schools do not have the capacity to implement it effectively. This paper investigates the perceptions of teachers teaching learners with ADD as informal discussions with teachers in a rural school in Lusikisiki Education district of the Eastern Cape revealed that they faced many challenges teaching an inclusive class. A qualitative research approach guided the case study design which was deemed appropriate to provide detailed information about the participants’ perceptions on the phenomenon being investigated in terms of their beliefs, opinions, emotions and relationship with learners with ADD. Purpose sampling resulted in 18 participants from the 21 teachers at one full-service school situated in the Lusikisiki education district of the Eastern Cape. Openended questionnaires were used to collect data from sampled teachers of selected school. Pilot testing validated the questionnaire. In the case of data analysis, content analysis was done. The findings of the study showed that teachers’ perceptions were predominantly negative with the teaching of learners with ADD as they face many challenges which could be overcome with support from the Department and various stakeholders. However, knowledge about the disorder is not sufficient; teachers need to be trained and experienced in order for inclusive education to work effectively

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