Tuna capture fisheries have a very important value and meaning for the socio-economic life of coastal communities, either directly or indirectly. On the other hand, the catch of tuna has decreased from a biological aspect based on the weight and length of the fish caught as well as the amount of production and the value of CpUE (Cath per Unit Effort). The research objective was to analyze the sustainability status of tuna fisheries. This study was a survey of 90 respondents in two tuna location centers in Prigi and Malang districts. The method used the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis using the software Rapfish (Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries). The results showed that the sustainability status seen from 5 dimensions, (1) Biology, (2) Economic, (3) Technology, (4) Social, (5) Institutional, showed that the level of sustainability of tuna fishing from the technological and economic dimensions was Quite Sustainable. For the Biological, Social and Institutional dimensions it shows a low/ Less Sustainable. In general, it can be said that the level of sustainability of tuna fishing in the southern waters of East Java is low.