Journal ID : TRKU-12-04-2020-10677
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 04]
Total View : 154

Title : Information Hiding: A Tools for Securing Biometric Information

Abstract :

The recognition of human beings via the utilization of biometric characteristics is currently the latest innovative trend. Previous years have witnessed great interest in biometric recognition due to its security significance. Amongst the presently used biometric recognition, the fingerprint is categorised to be a pragmatic technique. Techniques that are inclusive of steganography and watermarking are used in enhancing biometric data security. Watermarking is a technique of having the information implanted into a carrier file, to avert the infringement of music copyright proprietorship, image or video folders. Nevertheless, the method entails the hiding of data and is known as steganography. The current research gives an overview of techniques employed in the protection of biometric information that is contained in fingerprints. We have included thorough comprehensive biometric methodologies. In addition, the benefits and drawbacks, and the uses of biometric methods are also explicated

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