Journal ID : TRKU-11-02-2021-11422
[This article belongs to Volume - 63, Issue - 03]
Total View : 560

Title : Boarding House Recommendation Application using Mamdani’s Fuzzy Algorithm

Abstract :

This Boarding houses and rented houses are occupancies that college students need, not only for them but also for the public who doesn't have enough money, mostly renting if they choose to live independently. The difficulty of finding suitable boarding houses or rented houses is the most common problem, one of them is about taste. This problem needs to get solved because every person has a different taste. People's personalities and interests are not always the same, which makes every person have other criteria. With the application's help, we can easily choose the most suitable boarding houses or rented houses from our criteria. The application will be showing the data that already processed with our input to make us choose the boarding or rented houses close to our standards. For that, we need some recommendation algorithms, and one of them is Fuzzy Logic.

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