Journal ID : TRKU-28-05-2020-10770
[This article belongs to Volume - 62, Issue - 05]
Total View : 378

Title : Automatic Creating 3D Solid from only Two Views for Mechanical Engineering Applications

Abstract :

The 3D solid models are extremely useful in technic because of its applications in the fields of CAD/CAM/CAE/CNC. An excellent way to create the 3D Solid is automatically reconstruction from its Views, which has long been studied by many scientists in the world. By using this approach, it is easier to enter geometric information as well as use existing engineering drawings. Most previous works came from three Views when many mechanical parts required only two Views. This work proposes an advanced 3D solid reconstruction system, including algorithm, database, and programming, that uses only two Views. The method was implemented and tested by an ObjectARX program of more than 5000 command line, running in AutoCAD, for checking reliability and compatibility with 3D CAD/CAM/CAE systems

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