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Journal ID : TRKU-10-03-2020-10491
Total View : 174

Title : Handwritten Security Modeling based on Cosine and Inner Product Method

Abstract :

Research aimed to identify the characteristics of the owner of the handwriting, so that handwriting can be recognized and able to prevent forgery of handwriting through two methods, namely the inner product and cosine. The increased use of handwriting as a means for authentication and authorization from accessing an account or specific media, it takes a technological advancement in terms of security handwriting. Both method will be compared to the level of accuracy in recognizing the characteristic and the owner of the handwriting. Steps being taken to 100 consists of digitized handwritten documents, pre-processing such as color conversion and thresholding, and gridding stage, feature extraction, and pattern recognition through the inner product and cosine. From the test results which consists of 60 training data (in database) and 40 test data through methods cosine, 9 data misidentified, 10 unknown data, and 21 data has correctly identified the owner of the handwriting, so accuracy is obtained only by 52.5%.While testing with the same data through inner methods, produced 27 recognized correctly managed data, 13 data is not in accordance with the owner's handwriting, so accuracy is obtained from the inner product method amounted to 67.5%. Overall it can be concluded from this study, the use of methods of cosines and inner product in identifying the owner of the handwriting can produce fairly good accuracy, where accuracy inner product value is still higher than the cosine

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Journal ID : TRKU-10-03-2020-10490
Total View : 129

Title : Feasibility Study of ClitoriaternateaFloweras Anthocyanin Source for Daily Food

Abstract :

Anthocyanin (Acn) is one of the secondary metabolites of Clitoria ternatea flower (Ctf) with many health maintenance and therapeutic benefits. Acn acts as anti-inflammation and anti-proliferative of breast cancer cells in vivo. Ct blooms daily for just one day. We carried out this study to analyze the feasibility of Ctf as the acn resource beside the famous blackberry. Its maceration in 70% ethanol divided into two groups according to the temperature of evaporation, which are 40oC and 60oC, respectively. We measured the total acn contents (TAC) with the spectrophotometer at 230-1000 nm wavelength. The average of TAC in each group was 73.15 + 8.66 mg and 46.07+1.54 mg/100 g, respectively. The data showed that anthocyanins better produced at a lower temperature, with less energy consumption. The main peaks in the 1stgroup profile were at 230, 268, 578, and 625 nm, while in the other, they were at 230, 267, 568, and 622 nm. The profiles show considerable absorbance values of their anthocyanins with health benefits such as blackberry. Ctf is a potential source of anthocyanins for our daily food

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Journal ID : TRKU-09-03-2020-10489
Total View : 174


Abstract :

The velocity at the toe of a spillway is a major variable when designing a stilling basin. Reducing this velocity leads to reduce the size of the basin as well as the required appurtenances which needs for dissipating the surplus kinetic energy of the flow. If the spillway chute is able to dissipate more kinetic energy, then the resulting flow velocity at the toe of spillway will be reduced. Typically, stepped spillway is able to dissipate more kinetic energy than that of a smooth surface. In the present study, the typical uniform shape of the steps has been modified to a labyrinth shape. It is logical to expect that the labyrinth shape will lead to dissipate more kinetic energy. This impression comes through creating the more regions of circulation and turbulence along the lateral sides of each step in addition of those occurs towards the streamwise. This action is also can reduce the jet velocities near the surfaces, thus minimizing cavitation. At the same time the increasing in circulation regions will maximize the opportunity for air entrainment which also helps to dissipate more kinetic energy. The undertaken physical models were consisted of three labyrinth stepped spillways with magnification ratios (width of labyrinth to width of conventional step) WL/W are 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 as well as testing a conventional stepped spillway (WL/W=1). Two empirical forms of coefficient are proposed, one for labyrinth shape stepped spillway denoted KL and another for conventional stepped spillway denoted KS. Once the value of the coefficient is known the actual flow velocity at the toe of a stepped spillway can easily computed without having to resort to measurements in site. It is concluded that the spillway chute coefficient is directly proportional to the labyrinth ratio and its value decreases as this ratio increases

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Journal ID : TRKU-09-03-2020-10488
Total View : 251

Title : Blockchain, Fog and IoT Integrated Framework: Review, Architecture and Evaluation

Abstract :

In the next-generation computing, the role of cloud, internet, and smart devices will be capacious. Nowadays we all are familiar with the word smart. This word is used a number of times in our daily life. The Internet of Things (IoT) will produce remarkable different kinds of information from different resources. It can store and process big data in the cloud. The fogging acts as an interface between cloud and IoT. The IoT nodes are also known as fog nodes, these nodes are able to access anywhere within the range of the network. The blockchain is a novel approach to record the transactions in a sequence securely. Developing new blockchains based integrated framework in the architecture of the IoT is one of the emerging approaches to solving the issue of communication security among the IoT public nodes. This research explores a novel approach to integrate blockchain technology with the fog and IoT networks and provides communication security to the internet of smart devices. The framework is tested and implemented in the IoT network. The results are found positive

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Journal ID : TRKU-09-03-2020-10487
Total View : 149

Title : A Study of Surface Roughness and Tool Wear When Milling C45 Steel With a Face Miling Cutter

Abstract :

The first purpose of this study is to assess the influence of cutting mode parameters on surface roughness and tool wear. The second purpose of this study is to build a relationship between surface roughness and tool wear. The cutting parameters mentioned in this study include the cutting speed, the feed rate and the depth of cut. The experimental material used in this study is steel C45. The cutting tool used is the PVD-coated face milling cutter. Experiment with 15 experimental points according to the Box-Behnken type experiment plan when changing the value of the cutting parameters. Analysis of test results has determined the influence of cutting parameters and their interaction on surface roughness and tool wear. The relationship between surface roughness and cutting parameters, the relationship between tool wear and cutting parameters and the relationship between surface roughness and tool wear are also established in this study. These relationships are the basis for defining cutting parameters to ensure that the surface roughness meets the specific requirement, the tool wear is small, and are the basis for determining when to replace (re-sharpen) the tool according to the specific surface roughness requirements

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